
Thursday, June 17, 2010

Leslie's Challenge

Leslie at Sunshine challenged us to make quilts from our scrap bins. I followed the rules, halfway. All the blues in this quilt are from my scrap bin, but the yellows are from my stash.

It's blue 4-patches (4.5"), and yellow rail fence (2.5 x 4.5 inch strips). I played with the placement of the yellow blocks and liked this one the best.

It's on my design wall, waiting for me to finish assembling it. Right now I have about 3 rows sewn together.

My work-out today was to mow the lawn.


  1. What a great quilt from "scraps". I love the way you did the dark square on the diagonal. Once again you can make a simple pattern very interesting.

  2. Anonymous9:13 AM

    Carol: I'm not a quilter, so my observations are like someone who doesn't sign that the interpreter did a wonderful job - but hey! - you did a wonderful job. I'm still getting used to looked at quilts and seeing different placements. At first, all I could see was the diagonal and it reminded me of your green quilt(did you call it Going Green?). But then I saw how the darker yellow pieces made the sides of a square and I had to look at it all over again. I could never plan all that. Way to go!

  3. yeah! A fellow scrapper! I've cheated some, as well - mostly for borders, but hey - it's all in the intent, right?


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