
Wednesday, October 07, 2009

I'll Write About This...

I wanted to post something, but wasn't sure what to write about. Then Chronicles of a Country Girl solved the problem for me. She posted questions, and my answers shall be my post for today. (See answers to yesterday's trivia at the end of this post.) Here goes:

1. What is your absolute best asset? compassion

2. What is the best thing that has happened to you in the past week? attending the state United Methodist Women conference and feeling re-invigorated to work on behalf of mission around the world

3. What do you usually use to mark a place in a book you’re reading? It varies widely. If I can find one of my homemade bookmarks, I use that (see picture above). But often it's a random piece of junk mail, a store receipt, or even a scrap of fabric.

4. How many times do you hit the snooze button in the morning? Usually only once. But I still don't get up right away.. I can go back to sleep in an instant, but I will usually have a sense of time and will know if it's getting too late, and then I snap awake.

5. What was the last thing you put a postage stamp on? a letter to my friend, Carrie (a couple states away). She and I are pen pals and still write real letters on real stationery (by hand! or sometimes typed) and send them through the mail. She likes to make interesting home-made envelopes and cards. Checking my mail box is fun!

Now for the answers for yesterday's trivia:

1) capital of Vermont is Montpelier
2) Ayers Rock is in Australia.
3) Its original name is Uluru.
4) Mediterranean Sea is between Europe and Africa.
5) Rodeo Drive is in Beverly Hills, CA.
Sears Tower is in Chicago. New name is Willis Tower.
El Alamo (or the Alamo) is in San Antonio, TX.
Cherry on a Spoon is a sculpture in Minneapolis, MN.


  1. Great answers. I have a wide assortment of bookmarks - handmade and store bought. I love using them.

  2. What an interesting post. I have so many bookmarks, I love bookmarks. I actually made some last year. Maybe I could do that for Christmas this year. I don't even know where the snooze button is.


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