
Friday, October 09, 2009

Hello, Friday!

photo from mesdeuxcents blogspot

What a week! I had something to do every night this week, Monday through Friday! On Sunday night I took a deep breath to steel myself for the coming week... and it worked! I have survived! Tonight's event is a fun, social event; I might even get Charles to accompany me!

Monday: UMW meeting. Interesting and fun, and a yummy snack (pumpkin bars, I think they were.)

Tuesday: book club.. always a nice gathering of women. We discussed our book and our lives and our ups and downs. We happened to have snacks there, too. (Usually we don't.) Candy corn, chips and homemade salsa, and a chocolate cake. Nothing wrong with any of that, eh??

Wednesday: a training for work. It was semi-interesting and finished early in the evening, so I still had time to unwind at home.

Thursday: another training! And this one went later into the evening. And was a little less interesting, but still worthwhile. I got home just in time to watch Grey's Anatomy.

Friday: potluck dinner at church, then a movie. We'll be in two groups.. hubby and I will be with the "Julie and Julia" group. Can't wait to see it! I looovvvee Meryl Streep.

I have not even looked at my sewing machine in too long. I'm hoping to get reacquainted this weekend.

Today I'm thankful for:
1] my students! What fun young adults they are, even when they are exasperating.
2] the gorgeous fall days we've had after the rain stopped! Breathtaking.
3] hubby being so flexible and accommodating and all-around nice
4] a full life, even when it's too busy
5] as always, good books. I'm almost done reading Olive Kitteridge by Elizabeth Strout. It's great! Here's a line from the book that I loved: "each of my kids is my favorite." You moms or dads of more than one can relate, right?
6] my beautiful and sparkling daughter, whom I forgot to highlight on her birthday. She is now 29, almost catching up to my age! Who'da thunk it?


  1. You'll love Julie and Julia - it's fabulous!

  2. Busy weeks are the best! Enjoy the movie!

  3. You make me miss teaching. I loved my kids so much. You never know what to expect from teenagers. I read Olive Kitteride at the beginning of the summer and loved it. Have you read The Help?


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