
Sunday, February 22, 2009

My Full Weekend

I had a full, happy weekend. Made some blocks and a couple of blankies. Now I'm so tired that I can't even write any more about it. I'm heading to bed! Have a great week, everyone!


  1. How productive! All I did today is travel by car from Denver CO to Salina KS - about 450 mi. Tomorrow a quick stop at a quilt shop in Newton KS then another 300 mi home. Three weeks is way too long away from the farm.
    Love your work!!

  2. I love your taste in fabrics.

  3. I like all your blocks but I am particularly drawn to the strings block. I like the way the reds make a square in a square.

  4. Beautiful blocks!

  5. I love the last picture, the star on top of those beautiful pastels. A great baby quilt!

  6. I'm a Carol, too - 80 years old - who has been scrolling through your lovely blog looking at the pictures of your family, quilts and other areas of interest. Last May I started blogging and am really enjoying all the fun that goes with it. I have been quilting for over 30 years and will quilt as long as possible - hope it's quite a while yet!! Enjoy, Carol!

  7. What lovely, lovely work!!! They are all beautiful. I love the birds, how the scrappy block reminds me of an antique quilt I've been admiring and the unique "log-cabin" background on the last one.

    Thanks for sharing!


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