
Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Forgetting my Head

Today I would have forgotten my head if it had not been attached. I forgot to call someone about a meeting, I went to a meeting where I'd need a lap top, and forgot the lap top. I forgot to take along some stuff I needed to deliver. And then I forgot my glasses in my car, so I couldn't see well enough to read anything. I'm happy my head is attached! Due to my extreme forgetfulness, I have awarded myself the Dory Award. Here are the "rules:"

Unlike most awards passed around in Blogland, this one is not to be passed along TO others (after all, that wouldn't be very nice, would it?) is to be TAKEN. If you consider yourself eligible to receive the DORY AWARD, then by all means please take it and display it proudly on your blog! You know best if you deserve it! And if you do, WELCOME to the DORY CLUB! If you're not qualified to join, be thankful!


  1. Well we all have ours days! I'm heading down to your area next week Monday to visit my daughter. If I happen to see a headless person running around I'll assume it's you and will say hello! ha! Hope your week goes better for you!

  2. all I can say is:


    Hope your day turns around!

  3. LOL I had one of those days this weekend! I hope things get better - you'll probably have all kinds of stories for us tonight! :)

  4. That is hilarious! It seems as if I have more and more days like that as I get older! What a hoot! And, Carol, I would be happy to have you link me in your list of Carols. We have such a pretty name. I would like to add you to my blog list, also. Hang in there!!

  5. ruh roh... I think I need that award... I missed a huge meeting yesterday because I thought it was today...I even went to the meeting today at a different school...what a ding dong...and I was suppose to get paid for it too! ding dong! lol

  6. I'm delighted to TAKE this award ~ absolutely perfect (we carry post its and pens here when we go from one end of the office to the other, for obvious reasons). I made my grocery list last weekend and then had to call DH from the parking lot and ask him to read it to me so I could write it down again ... SIGH!


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