
Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Quiet Week

I'm posting a random picture of me.. it was early this month when I went to California (obviously). I can't share current pictures for a while, because my camera died. Boo hoo! Sob! Do I really have to go back to using film and a scanner? Doesn't that seem so cumbersome and old fashioned?! Dang. I want to shop carefully for my next camera, so I refuse to rush out and just buy any old thing (although it's tempting, just to be sure I have one - my camera is like my right arm!)

This week I have been taking it easy. I've had a couple of optional things to do in the evenings, all low stress. Tomorrow I'll go out for dinner with a group of women. That's about as much fun as a person can have! Friday I am taking a day off, just for rejuvenating myself, and I am really looking forward to having a long weekend!

Check out my April 19 post and join my contest to win a free book! Author Ann Zemke sent me a free copy, and it arrived today, with a nice signature from her inside the book. I can't wait to see who will win it!


  1. Enjoy your restful activities - everyone needs a break.

    Nice to see your photo!

  2. Down time is a good thing. It is kind of like a fallow field: resting. You'll come back recharged.


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