
Thursday, April 24, 2008

Church Ladies

[I'm sneaking this little edit into this post. Pay no attention.]

I went out for dinner with a bunch of church ladies. It was fun! Our ages ranged from almost 40 to 95. I took a couple of pictures, but my camera refuses to cooperate. Everyone turned out a weird shade of Pepto Bismol pink.

When I came home this insane woman had taken over my house. She grabbed my camera and made these "beautiful" self portraits. She insisted that I post these photos. The color is still weird, but not quite as pink. Does anyone have an extra straight jacket? I think this crazy lady might need one before the night is over.


  1. Thanks for the laugh!!

  2. Anonymous12:32 AM

    I *think* I know her......

  3. hmmmm too funny! Have a great weekend!


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