
Saturday, March 29, 2008

For Peggy

This is a UFO that is at least 3 years old. I finally finished it! I had planned to give it to a child through Wrap Them in Love, but when I got it done, it spoke a different message to me. This quilt seems like a good size and good level of cuddliness to send to my cousin, Peggy, who recently discovered that she has cancer. It was completely unexpected and was discovered during routine surgery for something else. I think a quilt is in order in this case, don't you?

Be strong, Peggy, and when you're not, the quilt is a soft place to have a good cry.


  1. Yes...she needs you and your quilt as her beacon. My heart and prayers go out to Peggy...and you, too, Carol.

  2. What a great token of love and comfort! Prayers for Peggy! I love the colors!

  3. I think you have re-purposed this quilt appropriately! May Peggy be strong as she heads down that path to healing!

  4. This will be a great quilt for Peggy. She will wrap herself if love in it.

  5. Beautiful quilt, I'm sure that Peggy will love it! Isn't it a wonderful feeling to be able to have a quilt ready to give just when you need it?

  6. Lovely quilt Carol, I'm sure Peggy will feel wrapped in love when she uses it. Will be thinking of you both, hugs, Sue

  7. What a lovely thing to do Carole- Peggy will feel the warmth of your love surrounding her each time she wraps herself in it-
    Regards from a Western Canadian Quilter,

  8. I like your blog and yours quilts are fantastic.


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