
Thursday, March 27, 2008

Back to Tiny Quilts

... aka postcards.

I haven't made quilty postcards in a while. A friend on an online quilt group just had open heart surgery, so a bunch of us decided to send her some quilted postcards instead of plain old get well cards. This is the one I made.

It's to represent her being healthy again and splashing in the spring rain puddles.

May we all enjoy some nice, splashy moments this spring, in rain, preferably not in snow.


  1. what a bright cheerful card. Hope your friend recovers quickly so she can be out in flip flops enjoying life :-)

  2. It will certainly cheer her up! I'm also thinking spring today and have a plan for my first postcard for our family exchange.

  3. great postcard! definitely better than a "plain old get well card"!

  4. I fall in love of this postcard, your fiend was happy, regards from Spain

  5. That is a superb idea, Carol! Your friend is a lucky lady!!! And that is a darling postcard!

    Enjoy your weekend

  6. Your postcard looks great!


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