
Friday, June 15, 2007

Pam's Quilts

Thursday night I attended a guild meeting in Woodbury. The speaker was Pam Witt from Omaha, NE. Pam and I both grew up in Alexandria, MN, and our families have known each other for years. So it was fun to see Pam again after many years and to see her beautiful quilts.
She does a lot of applique. I admire anyone who can do it so beautifully! Although I love the look of applique, I'm very bad at it. I don't think I'll ever be much of an appliquer. Enjoy Pam's quilt show (and if you live in the Twin Cities area of Minnesota, please read my note at the end.)

Pam with her rooster quilt.

The above quilt top was not made by Pam. Believe it or not, Pam got this from her chiropractor. The chiropractor has a bunch of tops made by his/her grandmother. They were described as "nasty." Some have been thrown out, and others donated to Goodwill. This one was in the car to be taken to Goodwill. Pam thought quickly and suggested an exchange. She made a lap size quilt for the chiropractor and in exchange was given this top.

Pam shows what she calls a feminine quilt that she likes to give as gifts. Hey, Pam.. my birthday is in September! (wink)

This quilt by Pam is currently hanging in the Minnesota Quilters annual show taking place at the River Centre in St. Paul. I went there today and had a great time looking at all the absolutely gorgeous quilts. What a bunch of awesome quilts!

This is a closeup of Pam's quilt. It was quilted by Karen Kielmeyer. Karen does beautiful work, too. (Karen has also quilted several of my sister's quilts.)


Here's my note for Twin Cities quilters: my local guild, Dakota County Star Quilters, would like to have Pam come speak for our annual show which will be next February 2008. We are looking for another area guild who would like to hire Pam for speaking and/or teaching at the same time in 2008. Pam has to drive here from Nebraska, and we could use some help sharing the mileage costs. If you are in a guild that is searching for an interesting and entertaining speaker, Pam is just the ticket! In addition, she wants to become more known in this market. Sharing the mileage costs would be very helpful. Just send me an e-mail if you think your guild might be interested.


  1. Mmmmm... I love applique. That cardnial quilt is gorgeous!

  2. Thanks for sharing the show and tell with us! I'm not an appliquer either, but I do love to look at them! I especially like her blue quilt with the birds on it.

    A thought...sharing a speaker with another guild is a great idea to cut down on costs

  3. WOW....thanks for showing all these quilts. The one on the first photo is wonderful.

  4. thanks for sharing the quilts....makes us feel like we were there is a small way....

  5. Wow, that top quilt is just wonderful!

  6. Beautiful quilts. I have the pattern for the Piece O' Cake Stars in the Garden and always think of starting it--then don't. Someday.


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