
Tuesday, June 12, 2007

I'm Free!!!

Oh, man, am I tired! Today was my last day at work for the school year. Hooray!! It has been a long, tough year. I'm so tired!

I'm not totally free for the summer as I continue to work part-time, but the every-day schedule is done for now, and I can relax. Ohhhhhhh, that sounds great right now. My feet are killing me, and I'm pooped from the hot, windy day today (high about 90 deg F, 32 C).

Last weekend I finished this quilt that was half-way made by Lori and sent to me with some other orphan blocks and fabric. I finished this for her and hope to work on more orphan projects for the next few days and make some good progress on using them up. They will go to Wrap a Smile that gives quilts to kids after they undergo cleft lip and cleft palate surgery. It's a program associated with Rotary groups who travel around the world doing these surgeries that change kids lives. Read more about it here:
Click on the Wrap a Smile tab.


  1. Love it with the two blocks jumping out of the quilt. The Norwegian Quilt Asociation does also give quilts to long termed deceased children at hospitals. And I think it is great. A lot of quilters in Norway makes quilts and send it to us, and we give it to the hospital.

  2. Such a cute quilt and I love the orphan blocks appliqued on top.


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