
Monday, January 29, 2007

Sampler's Finished!

I just finished the binding and hanging sleeve. This one doesn't even need a label. It's ready for the show set-up on Saturday! The top hanger thing really doesn't bow like it looks like here.


  1. Your sampler looks really good. I like the colors. Well done on the small letters of your name.

  2. Carol it looks great! Love how you put your name on the bottom.

  3. Well I guess that's one way of saving yourself some work and making sure the quilt doesn't get stolen (vbg!)It looks really great and I think your name is the best part!

  4. Anonymous7:42 PM

    The letters look great. I think we should all get back to piecing or appliqueing our names on the front like they did in the "ole days" LOL.


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