
Tuesday, January 30, 2007

Liberated Quiltmaking

Isn't Gwen Marston's "Liberated Quiltmaking" the book that so inspired Tonya and others? It is at Amazon in paperback for $24.95 ... isn't this a lot less than the hardcover cost? I hope it's the same book. I just ordered one for myself, and they said it is expected to be available for shipping in late Feb... so I assume that it being available in paperback is a new thing.

Just thought I'd share this tidbit, and I hope I'm talking about the right book and have my facts right (e.g., that is wasn't available in paperback before).

This is my friend, Jeanne, and the quilt I gave her. It only took me about five years to finish this easy little quilt. It was a total happy accident that it perfectly matches that chair to the right.


  1. Yup! That's the book. I didn't know it was in paperback, so it must be new. The hardback version was VERY pricey IF you could get it. It is about time they put it out in paperback.

    By the way, I love your letter sampler -- way cool.

  2. Anonymous10:04 PM

    The pink scrappy quilt is lovely - shoofly is one of my favourite blocks. Come to think of it, I have heaps of favourite blocks LOL.

  3. I am not THE GWEN MARSTON but still her book quite changed my quilting style as well. There is so much in it. Your letter sampler is a hit!

  4. holy cow, that's the book. I had no idea it was being reprinted - excellent news.


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