
Saturday, June 26, 2021

A Boy With My Quilt!

 This quilt was made by me and quilted by my cousin, Beth, in 2020. About half the blocks were made by me, and half by my online group, Sunshine Quilts. It is now in the possession of this boy, a Syrian refugee. I'm not sure where he is at this moment. Probably a refugee camp in ... ? Not sure. The man who is helping has a vest which reads SCM. It stands for Syrian Cultural something or other. We (through Quilts Beyond Borders ) arrange with them to have our quilts sent in their large shipping containers with many other supplies.

It warms my heart and inspires me to keep sewing when I get this lucky opportunity to see where my quilts end up. Be warm and safe, young man!


  1. That is so special to see your quilt really made it to a needy recipient.

  2. The. Best. Feeling. EVER!

  3. And it took eagle eyes to spot it from that small corner!


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