
Wednesday, May 12, 2021

Two Books

 Leave Out the Tragic Parts: A Grandfather's Search for a Boy Lost to Addiction by Dave Kindred

The author is an award-winning, retired sports writer. This book is about his grandson who develops an addiction to alcohol. The grandson spends years traveling to nowhere and everywhere by hopping freight trains. The family waits to hear from him sporadically; grandfather yearns to help his grandson and guide him out of the addiction.

This book was very sad. I found it difficult reading due to the sad nature of the true story.

Like Wind Against Rock by Nancy Kim

This is a book about family secrets and about relationships -- a daughter in her late 30s, her mother, the father had recently died. Dynamics between mother and daughter change as they adjust. When they both begin dating, their understanding of each other changes as well.

There are a couple of twists and turns. The characters are all very interesting. I enjoyed reading this story and watching the characters change over time. Well written book.

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