
Monday, January 13, 2020

Giving a Quilt to Two People

Today I met Bonus grandson and his mom at a McDonald's that has a playland. I had a quilt to give him, but he was more interested in playing on the climbing things. His mom loved it! It's a very simple pattern, but she was overwhelmed with the soft minky backing. It was fun to see her loving it so much. We could only get Bonus' attention long enough to touch it for a split second. Couldn't get more than his hand in the picture. (I have a feeling he and his mom will be sharing this quilt.) He does love to climb and play! It was a fun Bonus day. He always makes me happy.


  1. Yes, she DOES love it -- he will enjoy it at some point. Great post.

  2. Aw, the look on her face is priceless! Bonus will enjoy it when he's feeling cuddly. That's NOT a feeling most active boys have at McDonalds, ha ha! :)

  3. Yes, I agree.. I love her happy face in that picture. And I believe he will also enjoy it at the appropriate time.


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