
Sunday, November 24, 2019

Book Review: The Dutch House

I definitely got lucky! I went to the library and found The Dutch House by Ann Patchett on the Lucky U shelf. This is highly sought-after books that one can borrow for only one week. I was on a waiting list for this book but was well over patron #150 on the waiting list. So finding it on the Lucky U shelf was quite a coup. I read it so quickly that I will be able to get it right back to the library and into some other lucky person's grasp.

I read this book in 24 hours. It is fabulous. The story covers a family over a time span of about 50 years. The story explores issues of inheritance, family values, how much do our family experiences shape us or haunt us, do we always live in their shadow or can we transcend where we come from, forgiveness, gaining insight into oneself, etc. I loved the characters and their ups and downs. I loved the family saga that also had its ups and downs.. so much to relate to and think about. Very well-written book to which I award five of five stars.


  1. I also loved this book. Elkins Park is very close to Near Philadelphia, and the references were fun to connect with. Fine characters, wonderful story. The independent book store in Elkins Park had the author come to give a talk and about 500 people attended! She was fun to listen to. The admission included an autographed copy. I've already bought one more copy to give as a gift and am thinking about others.

  2. Oh, how wonderful!


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