
Friday, July 12, 2019

Book Review: Camp Chemo

Camp Chemo: Postcards Home from Metastatic Breast Cancer by Camille Scheel

This author is from Minnesota. At the age of 38 in 2007 she was diagnosed with breast cancer and began writing posts at Caring Bridge. This book is a compilation of those posts. She goes through difficult treatments and side effects, then as she is beginning to hope for an improved life, her cancer metastasizes. She agonizes over treatments, continuing to work as she is able, and attempting to carry her weight as a partner in marriage and raising young children.

Throughout her ordeal she tries to learn from the struggles and keep a positive outlook. I am sure this was a great help to her children. They seemed to be keen on fundraising for cancer research.

The book ends in about 2014. It's a sad story, and when I Googled her name, I found her obituary from 2017, which made it sadder. When she died her children were about 16 and 10.

1 comment:

  1. There are too many friends/former employers dealing with cancer right now for me to want to pick up this particular book. Kudos to you for reading it.


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