
Monday, June 17, 2019

Found My Quilts in Asia

When I donate quilts, some of them go to Wrap a Smile which gives quilts to the Rotaplast mission for kids who are having cleft lip/palate surgery. I recently looked at some Rotaplast pictures online and found two of my quilts. What fun!

This child is in India; I'll include my picture of the quilt.

This child is in Philippines. It's hard to see the quilt in the picture. It is folded up and is behind, on the left. It is only showing the backing fabric. I'm 90% sure, from the backing, the binding, and the apparent relative size, that this is the pink quilt I made. Here are the photos:

It's rare and therefore exciting to see pictures of my quilts with the kids. I don't give them away expecting to see them again, but when I do get to see them, I feel so happy!

1 comment:

  1. So, so exciting!! I adore seeing these stories from Sunshine members who recognize their quilts "in the wild." And I really like the border treatment on the construction equipment quilt :)


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