
Saturday, March 16, 2019


Today I did some sleuthing. We at Sunshine give our quilts to Quilts Beyond Borders which in the last few years has sent many quilts to Salaam Cultural Museum in Seattle. From there the quilts make the long, arduous journey to the kids in refugee camps in Jordan. I finally did some digging at the Salaam Cultural website and FOUND SOME QUILT PICTURES!

First of all, the kids are ADORABLE! Look at these peanuts. Don't you feel motivated to make quilts for them? I do!

This girl is being given a bag of "shoes that grow." They are specially designed shoes that are adjustable and claim to adjust five sizes and to last five years. I found a story about them at the SCM web site, but when I went back to re-read it, I couldn't find it. That's how confusing it was (for me, maybe not you) to stumble through their pages, so I'm surprised I found these quilt pictures.

It's not just Sunshine that donates quilts to QBB/SCM, so I was thrilled to see this picture. It shows a child with a SUNSHINE quilt! This is one of the many that we made at our retreat in Nebraska in 2017. We called these our Omaha quilts. This kid is wrapped in an Omaha Quilt!! Can you tell how excited I was to find this picture? Here's the quilt top, as it was just completed in Nebraska:

The rest of the pictures show distribution of quilts, stocking caps, scarves, clothing, etc. Often the pictures just show a small corner of a quilt, but if a quilt showed up in the picture, I saved it. So here you go... quilts and other things being distributed to help save some lives by keeping kids warm.

See the quilt pile back in the corner, behind the woman? I made quilts with those red/blue/yellow blocks and am wondering if that is one of my quilts!! Wish I could see a little more of it so I could tell you for sure.

Kids with their bags of "shoes that grow."
Now I'm so motivated, I am running directly to my sewing room to make more quilts for the kids from Syria!

Later: I found tons more pictures at a Facebook page, so I'll post those in the next day or two as Syria Part 2. So fun!

Also I went back and easily found the page about the campaign for Shoes that Grow. Here is a link:

1 comment:

  1. fabulous, just fabulous! and yes, beautiful children...


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