
Tuesday, March 05, 2019

Our Son Returned

Our son, who has been working in South Korea for four years, has returned home to stay! We are so happy! During those four years, I kept thinking we should go to Korea and visit, but we never managed to do so. We did send our daughter there for Christmas a year ago. I guess that's the best we could manage.

He flew home on Friday, March 1. Here he is at the airport.

He was shocked (and disgusted) at how much snow we have here. Where he came from in Korea the weather was just turning nicer and had gotten up to about 50 degrees F. Here it is still the depths of winter. We have soooo much snow. It is kind of unbelievable. The snow piles are so high, it is hard to shovel and get the snow up over the piles; it's that high. And this week has been cold... below zero at night and single digit day time highs (F). Well, it will warm up a bit next week, and spring will eventually come. It always does.

Here he is showing the amazing amount of snow. The piles in our front yard are huge (he is 6'2" tall)!

1 comment:

  1. Happy homecoming! The snow is unbelievable this year. I’m slowly working up the energy to go sew. It’s much to easy to just sit, listen to the wind and read blogs!


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