The Memory Jar by Elissa Janine Hoole
This is a young adult novel about two teens, boyfriend and girlfriend.. after an accident the boy is in a coma, and the girl, slightly injured, is grappling with several big issues, including the accident. Deep down she feels responsible for the accident yet she can't remember the details.
The chapters alternate between "then" and "now." I don't mind that type of plot line, but these chapters were so short -- only a couple of pages each -- that it seemed a tad jarring to do so much quick back and forth. Also, the then and the now were not very far separated by time, so it seemed a little awkward to handle them as past and present. It could have been handled more smoothly. At times the girl character seemed a little advanced in her thinking for being only 17. OTOH, she has some big issues to deal with, so maybe that has made her grow up quickly.
Otherwise, the book was a quick read and captured my attention. I read it easily in a day. It's a good book but not great. Still, I feel 4 stars out of 5 is a fair assessment for the interesting plot and issues that are covered.
photo by Rick Steves taken in Poland
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