
Tuesday, January 01, 2019

Rainbow Scrap Challenge

This year I am going to participate in the Rainbow Scrap Challenge. I have been meaning to do this for years.. just never got my act together. Plus, I thought it was more complicated than it is. Just make blocks of your own choosing, using the color she announces for each month. The idea is to "use up" your scraps. We all know how impossible that is, but it's a good goal anyway.

I put a button in my sidebar. When you get to her blog, click on the RSC19 tab for the explanation.

January's color is RED! Let's get busy using up our scraps (or at least attempting to make a dent in them).

Here's a picture of her Sampler made in 2018 from her monthly scrap blocks.

One year she did a rainbow Dear Jane! I'm not going to get this complicated. I don't know my plan yet, but it will be simple.


  1. This will be my sixth year (last year was spent finishing quilts from the previous years rather than starting anything new). This year I have ONE project for RSC and I'll need to make 6-7 blocks a month to have enough for the top at the end of the year. You'll love RSC - so many people making so many different blocks!

  2. Yay! I'm glad you're playing along this year! I'm still waffling on what blocks to make. Last year I wished I had a few more, so now I have a list of like, ten. Too many! And I'm already behind since I have two quilts to finish before I do anything else in January. Oh well, it's all for fun :)

  3. Isn't indecision part of the fun? LOL. I'll be watching what you do, Julie and Louise.


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