I have had fun boxing up quilt tops to send to QBB, Quilts Beyond Borders. They have arrangements with long-arm quilters who volunteer to quilt, so those of us who are better toppers than quilters have a nice way to get our quilts done and donated. I love it!
Today I boxed up these eight tops:
This is a shop sample that I purchased. The blue fabric is cute helicopters.
I made this one, and I must admit, it is one of my faves in this bunch.
These two are Omaha tops, made from leftovers from a retreat in Omaha and from newer editions of the block made to extend the leftovers.
This one is made by me, made from the same Omaha block pattern that is in the above two quilts. The close up shows you the truck fabric I used (and ran out of).
made by me; not one of my faves but I guess it works
I purchased this, I think at a guild fund raiser. I didn't realize at the time that it is all hand-pieced! Something I would never do.
I made this from someone's leftovers which I purchased at the same guild fundraiser mentioned above.
I sent the following completed quilts to QBB:
and the following completed quilts went to Wrap a Smile (WAS):
Yes, I do sometimes complete quilts on my own. Plus, my local friend, Nanette, has helped with some quilting so I just have to bind them and send them off. It takes a village, you know!
A wonderful batch of both tops and completed quilts! Hooray for the village :)