
Monday, August 27, 2018

More of My Quilts Sent Out to Serve

Wheeee! It's so exciting to see my quilts actually being sent away to help people. This latest batch was sent from QBB (Quilts Beyond Borders) to a place in Texas called The Door. It's for women and children who are recovering from abusive situations. I am happy to have my quilts help in these sad yet hopeful situations.

Here's one of mine that was sent. It took about a year from when I made this quilt to now, seeing it in the "these were sent to TX" display.

Here is a full picture of it:

Here are two more made and quilted by me. The blocks in these two were made by several members of Sunshine, and I assembled and quilted.
Here are full pictures of these two quilts:

Go, quilts, go! I hope whoever received each quilt loves cuddling up and feeling a little more secure.

1 comment:

  1. Yay, little quilts! Fly to your forever homes! :)


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