
Tuesday, July 31, 2018

Book Review: The Best Girl

The Best Girl by Joan Hicks Boone.
I ordered this book for my Kindle, having heard a very short portion of a discussion of it on the radio. I didn't realize it was a true story. Since I read it on my Kindle, I had not flipped through to see that it had pictures. When I was reading along and came to the pictures, I realized it was a true story and felt even sadder.

It was another hard-to-read book about domestic violence. The author grew up in Minnesota, and I recognized many of the places she mentioned. She grew up in an abusive home and worked hard to be "good enough" and to keep her sibling safe from the violence. It was hard to read yet riveting, and the child perspective (from age 4 to 15) was both endearing and heart-breaking.

Laws have changed since her growing up years, thank goodness. But, of course, we still have a long way to go. Being helpful, friendly, and supportive can be life-saving for people experiencing these acts of violence... even if one does not know what one's neighbors, friends, and co-workers are going through, our acts of kindness may be their lifeline. How important it is to care about each other!

something a Little Free Library steward (I am one) loves to see -- a patron absorbed in a book

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