
Wednesday, February 28, 2018


Friends and I attended the QuiltCon 2018 quilt show in Pasadena, California. We had a great time! While I was gone, two snow storms hit Minnesota, dumping 7 inches of snow each time. Poor husband had to shovel without my help. I, meanwhile, was enjoying the beautiful sunshine and flowers of California.

QuiltCon is a show and conference put on by Modern Quilt Guild. The quilts were modern, unique, unusual, and gorgeous. Here are some examples:

Crazy Town Roopetoope by Irene Roderick

Configuration Kasuri with Five Lines by Julie Haddrick

I forgot to record the maker of this one.

Color Explosion by Carolina Oneta [She is from Chile. I sat by her in the shuttle ride back to the airport and enjoyed a nice chat. She is teaching quilting in Chile, trying to spread the love of this art form.]

Time Out by Claudia Shearer

This one looks so much better in person than in a photo. I tried a second shot to show how tiny the pieces are in the center of this quilt. It's hard to portray this one accurately in 2D photos.
Leftovers #7 by Debra Jalbert
It won first place in the Improvisation category.

Reflection by Anne Sullivan
It won 2nd place in the Small Quilt category.

Blue Jean Butterflies by Charlotte Noll with a Judge's Choice ribbon

Happy Dance by Sandra Kaye won Best Machine Quilting

Color Study H1 by Victoria Findlay Wolfe won first place in Modern Traditionalism

Cielo by Kristi Schroeder

Oblique by Diana Vandeyar

Captured Moments by Marianne Haak

Remote Destination by Christine Yi

Up and Down by Claudia Scheja

Sine Me Up by Kent Williams

my screen print from a class I took.. I had a little trouble with smearing, etc., but I like my result

my group of friends - we all travelled to Pasadena from Minnesota - sans the next person (photo below) who decided to break her leg just before we left

friends with whom I rendezvous'd in Pasadena: G (left) from California and T (right) from Texas

Fun trip and now I'm home (in the snow) and inspired to create!
Where did the flowers go?

P.S. There are many, many more quilts, all beautiful, from this show. I just could not photograph them all. I do have a series of Quilts with Words photos that I will post in the future. They're awesome!


  1. What a trip to share with friends!!!

  2. So glad you had fun! I "feel" your friends pain who broke her leg. I shattered my wrist in the Houston airport as I was getting ready to board a plane coming home from the Houston Quilt show. Watch out for the moving walkway in the airport!

  3. Anonymous5:08 PM

    Awaiting postings from England!!!


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