
Monday, April 17, 2017

Paula Poundstone!

Saturday morning Hubby and I drove to Fargo, ND. From our home it is about a 5-hour drive. The reason we went was for a road trip/date that I had secretly planned. I ended up telling Hubby what it was a few days before we went.

Hubby is a big fan of Paula Poundstone. I found out she will be in our area at a time that we can't attend her show, so I looked at different venues, and Fargo was the closest. Why not, I thought. It's time for a little road trip/get-away.

Turned out it was a lot of fun. We enjoyed the drive -- well, we enjoyed the time to just chat, knit, snooze (if not driving), and slow down our busy lives just a little. The drive itself is pretty flat. Driving straight up a freeway into the Red River Valley...there's not much there other than flat farmland. We enjoyed ourselves despite the lack of awesome scenery.

Here's a restroom in the hotel.. mirrors on every wall. I posted this on Facebook saying my jail cell is full of mirrors.

Here's where we ate dinner. The food was excellent. We did not eat frog; it was an option!

Here's us at the theater.

And here's Paula! We had a lot of fun. She is very funny.

Guess what. Paula Poundstone owns 14 cats!


  1. Who would have thought Paula Poundstone was a craxy cat lady?

  2. Who would have thought Paula Poundstone was a craxy cat lady?

  3. I know!! I can't imagine it.

  4. Anonymous11:30 AM

    What a fun getaway!

  5. Anonymous7:19 PM

    How long was her show? We saw her at the Guthrie a few years ago, and she took 2 1/2 hours! About 2 hours would have been about right. Still enjoyed it, even though I was almost sleeping by the end.


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