
Thursday, January 19, 2017

Something Nice

I often make my own calendars at Shutterfly, usually using photos from our various travels. This year's calendar is all about me. I call it my narcissistic calendar. It's all pictures of quilts I have made. I gave one to Husband to give to his parents with that warning - it's all about me. When he came home, he told me they had enjoyed looking at the calendar and agreed that I have some talent.

You have to understand that Husband has never really figured out my passion for quilting. He has learned to sound interested, but I know he really doesn't get it. So when he told me that they had all enjoyed looking at the calendar, he was standing in the doorway of my (very messy) sewing room. He had a pleased (surprised?) look on his face, as if he just then realized I might be doing something creative and maybe even artistic. He looked around my mess, and I had the distinct impression that he was telling me, "even in this big mess you're able to create pretty things." It was really nice; it felt good; and that his parents thought the same thing also felt good. And, if you are a quilter, you understand why my sewing room is a big mess. It's the environment of a creative person.

I pull out fabrics, get excited, pull more out, start cutting and sewing. I snip off corners, pull out a few more pieces, add to what I've made, cut some parts off... before you know it, the room looks like a bomb went off. But I'm happily creating and doing my art. I love to just look around me, see a pretty piece, grab it, and use it. I don't always plan carefully which pieces I will use. I use lots of creative license.

It feels good to be validated every now and then. I love what I do and will keep doing it, even if Husband never quite gets it. I guess it took a year's worth of photographs for him to see my variety of quilts all in a collection and to realize it amounts to something. Doesn't matter how it happened, really.. it feels good when he gets a glimpse into what it's all about, and says something nice about it.

a pillowcase I made for our son

I'm making Pat Sloan's solstice blocks that she is providing online (one a week for 25 weeks). So far I've used neutrals plus Kaffe Fassett fabrics. The duplicate block is for a different project.


  1. Anonymous5:30 AM

    I'm tracking with you. I know those who don't quilt have a hard time understanding quilters. Glad your hubby has a new perspective. You make beautiful quilts.

  2. I have made quilt calendars for several years - this year I cut back on how many I ordered and there was an uproar from two who had been cut. But we LOVE your calendar and your quilts . . . Yes, it is indeed good to feel validated (and yes, I did order two more copies).

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  4. Do we get to see the photos you chose?

  5. I'd love to see your calendar, too. Great post, Carol!

  6. Thanks, everyone. I think I want Quiltdivajulie to add me to her calendar list. I bet THAT is a beautiful calendar! BL and Tina, I will show you the calendar .. maybe Monday at MCQ?

  7. Anonymous9:16 AM

    Doing a happy dance for you. Validation feels good.


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