
Thursday, January 12, 2017

Merry Christmas

We celebrated Christmas with husband's family a couple weeks after Christmas. We ate food, had White Elephant gift exchange (lots of laughs), and I had my first meeting with our newest great-nephew. All in all, a fun day.

I gave little guy the quilt I made... with owls on it for his owl bedroom, and he got a toy owl from me as well... and he also got a toy penguin. Such cute, soft toys!

After our late Christmas, I received this Ugly Fat Quarter as a challenge.. make it into something pretty. So I made the quilt top you see here. Do you think I succeeded? I'm OK with it.. it's better than it was as an ugly FQ!


  1. I think you did a great job with the ugly fabric. It is the star in that quilt and looks really good! It all goes to prove that most fabrics look better when cut up.

  2. The ugly fat quarter challenge was met and exceeded - well done! I agree about the cute toys, too.


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