
Thursday, September 29, 2016

Sincere Thanks

Thank you so much for the lovely comments on my previous post. And thanks also to friends and family who have been a great comfort in person. I am truly blessed.

I came home on Tuesday, Sept 27. I have been very tired and am trying to take it easy. I have a million things to do at home; I'll get them done as I can. I have been going to bed early at night, something that is unusual for me.

I'll write more later; for now I just wanted to check in and say thanks. Your kindnesses mean a lot.

family members at my mom's memorial service, wearing red (her favorite color) in her honor -- the quilts behind us are some of the many that my mom made; all are hand quilted.

our newest family member with me, and with Mom - her youngest great-grandchild (four days before Mom died)

Mom with her 4 children.. she was starting to fade and the picture of Mom isn't the best, but it's our last of the 4 of us with her. We came from MN, NY, and KY. Being together through all of this was great.

Some of us at Sunshine are making heart blocks in memory of my mom. I am truly blessed with wonderful friends.


  1. Carole - I am so sorry for this sadness in your family. She was lucky to have YOU, so supportive and following in her quilting footsteps. How lovely to have her quilts withing the photo, part of HER history.

  2. Ongoing flow of hugs aimed in your directions - thanks for checking in and letting us know you're home.

  3. I'm so happy all 4 of you were able to be there with her at the end. That isn't easy to orchestrate most of the time.


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