
Tuesday, August 09, 2016

The Best Intentions

I had good intentions of writing every day to get myself caught up to the present. I failed miserably. But I forgive myself. I hope you do, too.

Here are more photos to show you what's going on in my life. This is the little boy who sometimes lives at my house with his mama. They've been busy with a family obligation and have been living with her grandma, but they'll soon be back at my house. I babysit about once a week so Mommy can run some errands and just get a break. He and I are best buddies. He is the sweetest baby! I just love taking care of him. Below you see that our cat, who has been afraid of Baby, finally worked up some courage to move in for a little sniff. Cat still tends to keep his distance but seems less afraid.

I finally captured a good smile with my camera. When he smiles at me I just melt!

Lucky me, my baby joy was doubled! My niece had a baby girl on July 24 - her oldest child's 4th birthday! It's great having another baby in the family. This is the sweet baby and my sister (Grandma) holding her.

I spent some time at my cousin's cabin, and we had a mini-retreat. I put together this top. I still need to add borders. In this picture it is not fully assembled, but this is the design. I used Victoria Findlay Wolfe's line of fabric, Mostly Manor. They were really FUN to work with! I love how this quilt looks so far.
My cousin and I went on part of the Minnesota Quilt Shop Hop. You get prizes and patterns for finishing various regions. It's the first time I have actually completed a whole region, and this year I finished three regions (out of a possible eight).
Above is the shop in East Grand Forks which I had never been to before and probably won't ever again, because it is so far from where I live. It is a nice shop, though. If you're ever in EGF, swing by and visit this quilt shop. We stopped to say hello to Paul Bunyan as we drove around the state.

Cousin finished this quilt (above) that was made from lotto blocks that she won. We went to the Cuzzin's Candy Shop in Park Rapids, MN.

Upon my return home I managed to finish these two quilts; both will be donated:

I'll be back soon to continue my photo journal, but I can't promise when it will be. Only "soon." Good night, sleep tight!


  1. Looks like you have had your hands full

  2. I enjoyed all of your pictures, babies, quilts, travel. I think you have more hours in your days than I do, you sure pack a lot into them.


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