
Tuesday, June 21, 2016

Quilt Show 2016

I attended the Minnesota Quilt Show this year, but had limited time. I didn't even see all the quilts. I did get some pictures and am happy to share them with you here. I am sorry, but I cannot give you the quilt makers' names. I just did not have time this year to do my collection of info in a careful way. Hopefully you can click on a picture to get a bigger view.

The first one, below, is depiction of Northern Lights. I love this one!
Above: the tree was made from tiny pieces of fabric strewn about and covered with toule/netting (not sure what to call it), and then carefully and painstakingly quilted all over in a tiny stipple fashion. Very nice! Pictures don't do these quilts justice, as you well know... just sayin'.

Below: this first one was made by someone from Eagan, MN.. that's all I remember. The second one was made by Susan Cleveland of Minnesota.
Above: was one of the Best of Show, but I can't tell you which category or who made it. Don't you love the blouse worn by that woman observer?

This one.. oh, my... observe the awesomeness of the background. The pattern of words and letters was made by the way she quilted! The thread and the negative spaces of the thread make the background become intricate! Wow. This one was made by someone from Germany.

This year even I had two quilts in the show. The reason is.. one of my guilds, the Minnesota Contemporary Quilters, does a theme challenge each year, and the quilts from this challenge usually hang at the MQ show. So, here I am. WARNING: FOR GROWN-UPS EYES ONLY.. and then decide if you want your kids to see this (I'm serious).

The challenge was "Changing Times." My first entry, "Visiting the Other Earth," you have already seen. I made it as a result of a class by Jane Sassaman. I call it that because I like to think there are other planets out there, and eventually we will figure out how to visit them. On the way to the Other Earth, which knows how to get along without war and pollution, we will see lovely sights such as these in space:

The next one is called "Is This What We Want For Our Children?" .. the little blurb on the quilt says "her last day of school."
This quilt expresses my horror at all the senseless gun violence going on in the USA, especially at Sandy Hook, the elementary school in which so many little children were killed. The quilt gave me an outlet for my sorrow.

1 comment:

  1. Some amazing quilts for sure. Thanks for sharing Carol


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