
Wednesday, May 11, 2016

I Won an Award!

This quilt tied for 4th place in Viewers' Choice at my local guild's recent show. How fun is that?!

I made it for my son-in-law, and he has not yet owned it, even though it was done shortly after Christmas. He wanted me to keep it until I could give it to him for good. He finally gets possession of it tonight.

Pattern is Oh,Sew Blue by Judy Laquidara.


  1. Anonymous10:36 AM

    That's awesome! Congratulations. I love it when there is a viewer's choice for something. I always vote. Hurrah for you.

  2. Congratulations, I love your quilt and would like to find the pattern. Did you find the pattern in a magazine? You gave me Judy Laquidarra's name after I saw the quilt on your blog, and when I contacted her she didn't recall a quilt by that name and said that If it was in a magazine that sometimes the magazines will change the name of the quilt.

  3. Congratulations, Carol! Your quilt is beautiful!

  4. Thanks, everyone. Geri, I did find it in a magazine, and now I can't recall which one. I will send a photo to Judy and see if she has another name for it, and I'll post her answer here at my blog.

  5. Anonymous5:52 PM

    Exciting news for a great quilt.Love the intricate piecing.

  6. Congratulations! Another great reason to be back in the blogosphere.

  7. Love the blues in this gorgeous quilt! I can see why it was a viewers choice pick. Your son in law has been very patient to wait for this family heirloom. I know he'll enjoy using it! Well done. :-D

  8. Wonderful! Viewers Choice is the best kind of award!!! I love it too!!!

  9. Thanks again for the nice comments. Geri, I have not yet heard back from Judy L. I'll let you know when I do.

  10. It's lovely! The colours are beautiful.


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