
Friday, May 20, 2016

Friday Already??

I can't believe it's already Friday! I didn't finish reading my book, because I accidentally left it at work on Monday. I didn't work again until Thursday, so most of the week was ruined for reading.

We've enjoyed some beautiful days of sunshine and perfect temps. Today I had a good day: I ran a couple errands, including purchasing some flowers for our yard. I did a bit of weeding and planting until I ran out of potting soil.

I attended a neighbor's garage sale where I bumped into a mom from church and her little boy who is one of my faves. Fun!

Later I walked to a nearby lake and park. There were many beautiful flowers along the walkway.

Look who I found at the park! Another of my favorite little boys and his mommy and his sister. (She's a fave, too! I have a lot of cutie pies in my life these days.)

This cutie pie is helping me assemble a quilt. The quilt blocks are 9 inches, so you can see approximately how long he is.

Now it is evening, and I am enjoying a lovely evening with the windows open and doing some sewing. What a perfect day!

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