
Sunday, March 06, 2016

My Mom's 95th Birthday!

My mom is 95 years old! Her birthday was on Saturday. We had a big party. It was so much fun! Former neighbors came, relatives, friends from church, and friends from where she currently lives. I think Mom had a good time, and we three sisters surely did. Later in the evening, after Mom had a nap, and the rest of us cleaned up the party room (see my cousin's daughter gleefully vacuuming in high heels), a bunch of family members went out for dinner. That was fun, too.

This is Mom and her three daughters. Our brother couldn't come, unfortunately.

My mom has outlived all her siblings and her husband (our dad). She has four children, seven grandchildren, and six great-grandchildren with another one coming in July. She has seen a lot of changes in her life! She remembers, when she was five years old, they sold their horse (and she cried), because they had a car and no longer would need the horse and buggy. And now we're searching far into space and using computers with amazing powers! What a change in her world!


  1. Happy birthday to your mom! 95 is quite a milestone and she looks happy to have all of her family around her.

  2. Happy 95th birthday to your mom. What a lovely party. Nice picture of you and sisters with the birthday gal.

  3. looks like a great party! Happy birthday to your mom!

  4. Your mom looks great and I think she must have had a great time. And Carol, vava voom! you look fantastic!!! Can't wait to get back to MN and have adventures again!

  5. Anonymous1:45 PM

    Best wishes to your mom. It's true . . . all the changes she has seen in this world. So nice to have a celebration with her.


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