
Thursday, October 22, 2015

My Long-Term Projects

Several years ago I vowed to focus on UFOs and get those done and out of my sewing piles. I have done quite well on that endeavor, but am still plugging away. Here is one that has been in the works for years. My sister and I both made blocks, and I finally got it put together. It will soon be in the hands of a machine quilter and will be done. Hooray!

the fancy name of this one, so far, is "small twin"

Recently I have also made a few blocks. These are string blocks for Jan M. in Australia.
And these are my October Lotto blocks for Sunshine. Tammy will use them to make a quilt for a child.

I have another UFO that has been calling to me. I need to get it done! It is my Tea Towel Challenge for which I have a button in my sidebar. It was a 2014 project, but I still don't have it done. I hope to get it done soon -- before 2016 rolls around.

If any of my readers remember making me a word block for my 60th birthday quilt.. well, that is also still in the works. Never fear. It shall be made. I am now 63, but it is still going to be my 60th birthday quilt, when I finally get it done. I wonder when that will be!? I'm hoping to get it done in 2016 - before I turn 64.


  1. Anonymous11:40 AM

    Pulling out very old projects and being surprised is almost as much fun as starting a new one. Way to go, Carol.

  2. Anonymous12:21 PM

    Oh gosh! I thought the word quilt was only two years ago! Time flies when it's not my job to pay attention. Fun that you and your sister worked on blocks for a quilt.


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