
Friday, September 25, 2015

Friday Books: What is Going On?

I HAVE NOT BEEN READING MUCH! I don't know why, except that I've been having a ton of fun sewing. Now I'm once again feeling my urge to read ... hopefully I'll succeed in finishing some books soon.

This weekend my cousins and I have our annual book-club gathering. We read (past tense) The Presidents Club, Inside the World's Most Exclusive Fraternity by Nancy Gibbs and Michael Duffy. In my case, I am currently reading (present tense); I am woefully behind. It's interesting, and I'm liking it, but it's fat, and I doubt I'll get it done in time for our discussion of it. Boo hiss, me.

Thank you, dear, patient blog readers, for waiting for me to get a real book review up here. I hope to get back into my habit... unless I choose another fat book that will take forever to read!? We'll see, shan't we? (That fat book about Lincoln, Team of Rivals, is sitting near the top of my TBR pile. What do you think? Go for it?)

Meanwhile, keep reading! Tell me what you've been reading that you love.

Yes, I do have this problem... do you?


  1. I got away from reading too with a deadline and then fall yard cleanup. I'm currently reading a John Sanford series and need to order the next one through our library system. I have picked up most of the series at Goodwill over the last 2 years. I miss my reading time.

  2. My Newbery Medal project got off track when we went on vacation. I have three checked out and will start Moon Over Manifest this evening.

  3. Anonymous4:55 PM

    Team of Rivals didn't really do it for me and I usually dig historical fiction. Now I listen to everything on audiobook while I stitch so it could've been the reader.


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