
Thursday, July 02, 2015


I hate to jinx myself. I've tried umpteen times to start regular work-outs, join the Y, and other such sensible plans. But I've never succeeded at keeping it up.

Now I've started again. Who knows. I've followed my plan two days in a row now, so I have a good success rate so far, at least.

A friend of mine on Facebook said she decided to walk one mile every day in the month of June. And she did it! She is kind of like me, not really wanting to take the time or interest in walking or running, but thought she might be able to do it for one month.

She took a picture of her feet every day. And I loved the idea, so I copied it. I'm going to try to walk 28 days in July - not even every day. I'm not even starting with a simple little mile. I'm starting with LESS than that. I installed a pedometer on my phone. Yesterday I walked .47 mile.

Today I walked .65 mile.

So far so good. Wish me luck.


  1. Anonymous7:30 AM

    You can do it! What a clever idea to take photos of your feet. The weather has been on your side!

  2. Sharing the photos of your feet may be a better motivator than you might think ... Go for it!

    Pedometer as an app on the phone?


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