
Friday, June 05, 2015

Friday: No Books Today

I have been in a reading slump lately. One reason is that the book I'm currently reading, while extremely well written, is kind of boring. Nothing happens! I'm slogging through. I can't wait to get to a page-turner.

I've gone back to work now, after my month off for traveling and meetings. I was a little nervous to go back, hoping I hadn't forgotten how to do everything. I hadn't. Whew! Also, I was told that I received a compliment from a customer (it's anonymous). They can submit a compliment or complaint any time they want. This is the first time I have received an official compliment. I'll get a little certificate. Whoopee! My first one in four years. I know the customers have to kind of go out of their way to submit these, so I really appreciate it. The official kudos are rare birds.

We've been working on weeding our garden. It is full of tall weeds! When we left for Oz and Kiwi, it was too early in the season to have any weeds or to plant. When we came back, the time had almost passed, so our weeds were tall, and we hadn't put in any flowers yet. It's hard to catch up.

I have a couple little bushes that I planted a couple years ago. I don't even know what they are, but they are flowering nicely this year. I'm happy about that. The smaller bush, that I did not photograph, has way more buds on it. Yay!

That's about the only excitement going on around here. Life has resumed to its normal, quiet yet chaotic pace.

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