
Saturday, April 04, 2015

Easter Prep

Today my knitting/crocheting group met at church. There was a lot going on, with the bell choir having practice, and flowers being hauled in to decorate the sanctuary for Easter Sunday, and another group meeting further down the hall. There was even a little dog wearing a jacket running around for a while. I like to see the church buzzing with activity.

Here is how the sanctuary looked after they arranged all the flowers:

I managed to make one block today, to bring my total April blocks for Sunshine to eight. I will send these to Tammy, and she'll use them to make some lovely Sunshine quilts. [I know I casually throw out these terms, Sunshine, Lotto blocks for Tammy, etc... if you ever wonder what I'm talking about, just ask. I'll be happy to explain.]

Happy Easter! We'll be having a quiet day - church and then home. Maybe I'll sew! (I'm feeling much better now. Hooray!)


  1. Happy Easter! I'm glad you are feeling better. Love the flowers at church.

  2. Anonymous12:31 PM

    Glad to read that you are feeling better. GN and I helped clean our church and when we went back for a service, we could still smell the polish on all the wooden pews! The flowers in your church are beautiful!


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