
Sunday, March 08, 2015

Singer Featherweight!

Some time ago I inherited my mom's Featherweight. I inherited it when she moved into assisted living. It's the only machine my mom ever owned, and it has quite a history. It made several prom dresses, bridesmaid dresses, wedding dresses, bathrobes, many many items of clothing for all four of us kids as we grew up, and in more recent years, quilts.

I didn't take it out of its box until recently. I knew I wanted to get it cleaned and tuned up first. The machine repair guy I go to has cancer and has been having a hard time with his treatments, so I knew it would take longer than usual. I waited patiently.

This week I got my machine back and finally gave it a whirl. It purrs like a kitten and sews beautifully. I feel honored to own this wonderful machine.


  1. Anonymous8:32 AM

    Hiya C! I am working through spring break this week so I sent my readers to your blog today. Check out the photo I took for you on my blog, though! Isn't the weather great?!!

  2. Anonymous8:32 AM

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  3. What a treasure . . . .

  4. Lucky you! Not only a great, sturdy vintage machine, but with personal history as well! You will enjoy it! I have 3 Singers with family history, and just recently added 201k - a present from my son. Old Singer machines are the best.

  5. I am visiting from Gram's blog! What an awesome machine. I don't sew much. My sister inherited my mom's machine. I don't think she even kept it. Yours looks very special

  6. Hey, thanks for visiting from Gram's blog! She rocks.

  7. How lovely that you can use the machine your Mom used and loved. Congratulations on getting it back into good shape!

  8. I adore my "real machine", a Pfaff Quilt Expression 4.2 electronic machine with all the bells and whistles, extended neck and thread cutter BUT I LOVE my Singer 221 Featherweight! Where I come from we name our Featherweights after our grandmothers. Mine is Nellie Mae and I'm honored that Sydney named hers BrendaLou. I'm sure you could name yours after your mother. Happy sewing! Happy memories.

  9. I came from Grams...that is one honey of a machine:) You do beautiful quilting:)

  10. Anonymous8:05 AM

    I love the idea of naming a Featherweight after a grandmother. That would make mine "Howdy Doody." All of the grandchildren called our grandmother "howdy doody grandma" because when they came she would say "howdy doo" and it was the era of "Howdy Doody" on TV.


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