
Thursday, March 05, 2015

Happy 94th Birthday, Mama!

My mother is 94 years old today! We had a party a couple of days early. She is currently doing really well, feels good, and is more energetic than I have seen her in a long time. I love seeing her so happy!

My sister from NY came, and so with all three sisters together, we decided to get pedicures together. It was a very calming and sane event, as you can see.

Other events during our visit, including a 6-inch snow storm:


  1. Happy Birthday to your mom! That is wonderful that all 3 of you could be together and be with her.

  2. I hope your mom liked her artistically made bag!

  3. Anonymous10:57 AM

    Best wishes to your mother on her birthday. She looks great. I'm sure having her three girls with her made it even more special.

  4. Happy belated birthday to your mom - the pedicure photo is PRICELESS!!!


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