
Thursday, February 05, 2015


In 2014 I donated 22 pairs of pajamas (mostly kid sizes) to our local social service agency serving families in need!

It was fun buying pajamas on sale after the holidays a year ago. I found some GREAT deals. This year I am not doing pajamas. I'm trying to concentrate on my quilts. I have so many that are half-started, half-done, half-dreamed up. I might as well make them my life focus.

I know... you thought they already were my focus. Well, you were almost correct. This year I'm just trying to whittle down my other distractions, which I enjoy, but that take time away from my quilts.

It's tough to choose between projects, all of which I enjoy! For example, having just announced that I'm going to concentrate on quilts this year, I will contradict myself and tell you that I want more time for knitting this year as well. AND I want some time to READ. Now that I've done quilting and knitting retreats, don't you think I should go on a reading retreat? I do!

Too much fun to be had, and not enough time. I think this might be one of those First World problems.


  1. I know what you mean! There is never enough time for everything I want to do. Yes, it must be a 1st World problem, because we do have enough of just about everything except time. ;)

  2. Anonymous12:44 PM

    Well now, a reading retreat sounds like a luxurious idea!!!!!

  3. You rock! I'm hoping at some time this summer or Fall you can teach me to knit. Well, I do know how to knit, but I want to make socks and maybe mittens. Great job! Retirement is great!


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