
Sunday, February 22, 2015

How to Make Spaghetti Out of Nothing

I was craving spaghetti - one of my favorite comfort foods. I had planned to make it for a few days and finally got my chance. Browned some ground beef along with onion. Decided to go the easy/lazy route and use a jar of spaghetti sauce. Oops.. none on the shelf. That's OK. I can make it from tomato sauce and other such ingredients, the way my mother taught me. Well, look at that, we had no tomato sauce at all!

Hmmm... now what? I REALLY wanted some spaghetti. Oh, I found a jar of picante sauce. I decided to use that. But.. that's a little weird. What else? I still was hoping to find a can of tomato sauce - no such luck. So I did have one large can of diced tomatoes. I dumped in some of the tomatoes and the juice from that can.

Then I added a few spices to try to convince it that it really was spaghetti sauce.

For spaghetti, I used another pasta: penne pasta which I love.

I thought we had run out of parmesan cheese (not the real stuff but the powder stuff from a jar, the lazy route again)... but it was my lucky day! We had a new jar.

It was quite delicious, actually. There were no leftovers!


  1. Anonymous4:57 PM

    Yum! I'm glad to read that you didn't have to go without the meat, but that's been done, too.

  2. I love "make do" cooking. I'd have thrown in some garlic, chopped onion, and chopped green pepper, too. But I'll bet spaghetti sauce and tomato sauce are on your shopping list this week!


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