
Sunday, February 15, 2015

Found My Zippers!

About a year ago, I ordered 50 zippers from somewhere online. They were super cheap at that quantity. Then I misplaced them after using maybe one or two of them. I found them recently (carefully tucked away in an organized fashion -- no wonder they were lost!). I immediately got busy using them.

Here are two little bags I made using 2.5-inch squares. I used the same backing fabric on them, but different lining fabrics.

Then I made a long, skinny one. Can you guess what it is made for??

Did you guess this.....

... recorder? How wise you are! Yes, this is my soprano recorder. I even sewed the little spit-cleaner-outer into the bag so I won't lose it. (I also own an alto recorder, but it doesn't yet have a fancy, quilted bag to sleep in.)

Here's a quilt top I made for Quilts Beyond Borders, and then two Lotto blocks for Sunshine.


  1. Anonymous12:42 AM

    Nice find! I've lost my zippers but also the memory of how to assemble a small bag. I remember it wasn't difficult but I just can't figure it out again. Nor do I care enough to google instructions. Another day. Motivation will find me.

  2. Anonymous5:23 AM

    C: You made me smile when you said you ordered 50 zippers. I'm not sure that I ever sewn that many in over my lifetime! I didn't guess what the long case was for, but what a great idea for keeping a recorder! The little bags are cute, too.


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