
Saturday, February 28, 2015

Day Retreat: Day Four

Fun on Day Four: B. and I sewed all morning. We both worked on blocks for M. of Sunshine. I ended up with a total of 16 blocks. Here they are.

After lunch B. and I went to a shop that was hosting quilters' garage sale tables. We got there near the end of their sale, and some of the vendors were slashing prices! We found fabric for a dollar/yard and FQs for 25 cents!! I got a couple of good pieces for quilt backs, and a large number of FQs. What fun!

We ate lunch in a very nice coffee shop with good, healthy food. The best was my Peach Brain Freeze (slushy). Yum. And it did freeze my brain when I drank it too fast.

After we went back to the retreat, I was still finishing up those 16 blocks, and then I made this little zipper bag.

Three quilters.. why are two of them not wearing hats??


  1. Anonymous7:10 PM

    Great fabric find!

  2. Love your quilt, those zipped bags look good and great for gifts.


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