
Sunday, January 25, 2015

Winter Beauty .. and Endless Illness

Recently I had a day for running a million errands. One of those errands was to photograph quilts at this fence which is at a historical setting near my neighborhood. It was a beautiful day, but the temperature was about 25 degrees F, so my hands got VERY cold. However, it was fun, because the quilts looked so pretty on this fence, against the snow, stone building, and blue sky. Lately we've had a couple of days in the low 40s! So nice! But I didn't have quilts to photograph then and probably won't until it gets cold again. C'est la vie.

Here are some close-ups. Of the first three, these were all made by other people, but I quilted the one on the left. I made and quilted all the others (some of the blocks were made by my guild members).
The middle three will be sent to the two Sunshine projects (Wrap a Smile and Quilts Beyond Borders), and the last two will go to Wrap Them in Love.

I've had a cold for three weeks now, and I'm still sniffling and coughing. What a nuisance! It's the Winter of the Endless Illness. Well, luckily I feel fairly OK, but I get tired easily due to this stupid cold. I hope I haven't infected a zillion other people. I was careful not to shake hands with anyone today at church. (Though I would hope I long ago passed the point of being contagious, but who really knows?!)


  1. It makes me cold just looking at the quilts on the fence (but they are so pretty there!) because I just came in from shoveling my driveway.

  2. Anonymous6:00 PM

    Those are gorgeous and the setting is great. I wonder if in times past, you would see sights like this on washing day or when people took their quilts out to air.

  3. The quilts are gorgeous!

  4. That is a gorgeous quilt photographing setting, so pretty! I hope you zap your cold soon, that's no fun.

  5. Awesome. The quilts and location are gorgeous. I hear that one of these sick bugs going around can take 3 weeks to get over! You're on the mend for sure!

  6. Excellent photo shoot - WhERE did you findd the giant clothespins?!?!?!?!?!

    I hope you recover soon .... There's been a lot of coughing and sniffling here, too.

  7. Anonymous10:03 AM

    What a beautiful way to photograph your quilts. Do you have to ask permission to hang them on that fence? Just curious. It's a great backdrop for the photos.

  8. I did not ask permission as there seemed no one to ask it of. And QDJ's question about the clothes pins: I ordered them from Amazon. They are 12-inch clothes pins. Huge!!


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