
Friday, December 12, 2014

Friday Books: Christmas Blizzard

This week's book is A Christmas Blizzard by Garrison Keillor. This is a short novel, somewhat on the Christmas Carol theme. A guy who hates Christmas ends up being stuck in a blizzard. Various things happen, and he has a change of heart.

Reading this book was like listening to Keillor do his Lake Wobegon monologues. He wanders off the topic into surprising and varied territory, but always comes back and ties it up nicely. I love how his mind wanders and creates. Very imaginative.

I enjoyed this book a lot. If you're a total realist you might not; then again.. why not open your mind and let creativity in for a nice day's read.

This picture reminds me of the saying, "there is no bad weather, just bad clothes." What was she thinking??

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous12:54 PM

    Thanks for mentioning this book. I enjoy GK's style.


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