
Friday, November 21, 2014

Friday Books: Not Again?!

Yes, we have no book review; we have no book review today! (What tune am I singing that to?? Can you guess?)

Sorry, folks. I'm not done with the book I'm reading this week. I have been in a slow-reading slump, and I'm OK with it. It is causing me to think about next year. In 2015 I intend to read some FAT books; old books and classics like War and Peace and other books that will take me longer than one week to read. I'll have to figure out what to do about my Friday Books column. Do you have any suggestions? I like to talk about books on Fridays, but am quite sure I won't have reviews for you on a weekly basis in 2015. What would you like to see happen in my Friday Books column?

We're having a silent auction at work, as I mentioned in my previous post. At first I thought it was just going to be my stuff. I was so happy when I went back to work and saw a lot of very nice additions to the auction. It's a great mix of things, and some of them are being hotly bid between a few folks. Fun!

This is a photo of one of the auction tables before the good variety of other items arrived.

Does anyone recognize the bib on the left? LOL.. I bought it from Carin V. at her blog site, but held onto it for too long, and now it'll no longer fit the child I meant it for. So I added it to this auction...nothing better than re-using and re-purposing, eh!? I can't remember if anyone has bid on it yet.


  1. Hi Carol,
    I got the tune and I got the message. It is not always easy to concentrate and you need to take a break from reading on occasion.
    I usually post twice a week, but I have taken a break from posting because I am reading books on grieving.
    I thought I was doing well after our son died but, after the first year, a deeper sadness developed and I'm looking to books as I always find solace and comfort from the experiences of others.
    I love your Friday books and often read the books that you have enjoyed. I loved "Let Him Go" for the writing and characters, but, but, but, why do writers leave out quotation marks???
    Love your blog. Happy winter!
    Betty @Betty's video book blog

  2. Maybe you can do some posts listing authors from which you have read more than one book, or possibly a series of books. I love to find a series where I get to meet characters and follow their lives. I loved Peter Robinson's DCI Banks series and the Bones series and am looking for another.

  3. Anonymous3:22 PM

    Your ASL sign reminded me of our visit to the Museum of Human Rights in Winnipeg this past weekend. Each video display and film has a person in the lower tights providing ASL translation. I had not seen that in a museum before. Very appropriate for a museum on human rights.


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